> 文章列表 > 元宵节英语的单词怎么说





元宵节在英语中被称为the lantern festival。古代时,元宵节也可以很浪漫。(In old times, the lantern festival could be very romantic.)


有网友回答说,元宵节的英语写法是Lantern Festival。另外,还可以说成The Lantern Festival。(A netizen answered that the English writing for 元宵节 is \"Lantern Festival\". Additionally, it can also be said as \"The Lantern Festival\".)


元宵在英语中没有专有的名词,所以只能通过具体的描述来表达,可以用sweet glutinous rice balls来形容。(There is no specific term for \"元宵\" in English, so it can be described as \"sweet glutinous rice balls\".)


春节在英语中被称为The Spring Festival,元宵节是The Lantern Festival,端午节是Dragon Boat Festival,中秋节是The Mid-Autumn Festival。(In English, the Spring Festival is called \"The Spring Festival\", 元宵节 is \"The Lantern Festival\", 端午节 is \"Dragon Boat Festival\", and 中秋节 is \"The Mid-Autumn Festival\".)


有人回答说,元宵节可以翻译为lantern festival, festival of lanterns, lantern festival dumplings或lantern festival dumpling。(Some people answered that 元宵节 can be translated as \"lantern festival\", \"festival of lanterns\", \"lantern festival dumplings\", or \"lantern festival dumpling\".)


元宵节在英语中通常被称为 \"Lantern Festival\",它的日期通常在农历正月十五日,对应的公历日期是每年的2月或3月。因此,元宵节的日期会随着每年农历年份的变化。(元宵节 in English is usually called \"Lantern Festival\". It usually falls on the 15th day of the lunar calendar, corresponding to February or March in the Gregorian calendar. Therefore, the date of Lantern Festival varies with the lunar calendar year.)


在韩国,元宵节没有特定的说法,他们称农历正月十五为“正月大望日”,意为“望满月”。与中国不同,他们在这一天并不吃元宵,而是吃混合糯米、高粱米等食物。(In South Korea, there is no specific term for 元宵节. They refer to the 15th day of the lunar calendar as \"正月大望日\" which means \"admiring the full moon\". Unlike China, they do not eat 元宵 on this day, but instead eat a mixture of glutinous rice and sorghum rice, among other foods.)

【元宵节快乐用英语怎么说是 happy lantern festival 还是 happy ...

元宵节快乐用英语是\"Happy Lantern Festival\"。另外,法语中可以说\"Festival des lanternes\",德语可以说\"Laternenfest\"。(\"Happy Lantern Festival\" is used to say \"元宵节快乐\" in English. In French, it can be said as \"Festival des lanternes\" and in German, it can be said as \"Laternenfest\".)


春节可以用Spring Festival来表示,中秋节是Moon Festival。(春节 can be expressed as \"Spring Festival\" and 中秋节 is \"Moon Festival\".)


\"lantern\" 这个单词的意思是灯笼、灯塔。而the Lantern Festival 表示元宵节。(The word \"lantern\" means a lamp, a light, or a beacon. \"The Lantern Festival\" represents 元宵节.)